Monday, February 27, 2012

I have figured it out

I have figured out what the main problem is: Lack of determination. Getting my first internship (two years ago) was a big achievement. I made it possible by keeping on keeping on even if everything seemed against me. I said I will keep fighting and believe that the objective in my mind can be achieved. I was determined to weed out any possible route to attain my goal, and then follow it. There were many factors that were against me. For one, I had never really held a job before. Two, my resume was mostly filled with high school extracurriculars. Yet, I managed to get in anyway due to this determination, this combination of desire, faith, and persistence I had.

Today, I realized that some of this combination has been diluted, possibly due to failure (or temporary defeat). I think my subconscious mind took this as an indicator that I should not try so hard, because I will fail anyway. Of course, this is not true. The subconscious mind only works with what it has been fed with over the years.

Now, I make the promise that I will spend every waking moment in life pursuing one of my goals, whether it be acing my classes, obtaining an internship, acing the internship, or working on tactics to attract a hot girl.

Opportunity is all around me. I will seize it!!!

Stay tuned for success story updates.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reflection on Past and Success Realization

Anyone who has read my earlier posts can probably make out that I was a bit frustrated. I was trying really hard to fight bad habits. I was mad, and I guess very needy to succeed.

Well, I still have not gotten anywhere. All the situations from the last post are still true. I have still not stopped procrastinating, and am bombing two exams as a result (one of them I am taking in like half an hour). My internship search has also gone nowhere. I have literally bombed interviews simply because I was not prepared, or procrastinated until the last minute. The funny thing is that every goal I am trying to attain this semester (except for the bedding a girl goal) is a goal that I have already achieved in the past (and that too more than once).

I find that when I achieved these goals, I was really in a calm state of mind. The outcome did not really matter to me. I was just focused on naturally doing the best that I could. I always had the goal in mind, and hence did not really diverge from it. Today, it is very easy to diverge. I think my subconscious mind has sort of developed a sense of fear of success. Since I have fallen down a lot, I think my subconscious mind is signaling me not to go on, or else you will just get hurt again.

This is a form of fear. The subconscious wants, I guess, to protect me from harm. Well, all people who become really successful face temporary defeats at points in their lives. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing the incandescent lamp. He was able to make his invention a reality because he kept going on despite his failures, with the hope that he will succeed one day. Brian Tracy is one of my idols. He was a high school dropout at Age 30 (with a lot of debt). Today, he runs a multimillion dollar company. There are countless other examples. The bottom line is that all successful people have had a point in their life when things weren't going good for them. I think I am now in one of those stages.

Also, it seems I have stopped caring about things now. Things that I used to become so focused over are now things which I easily diverge from (like internship search and grades and such). So, in the past few months, I have made an effort to practice being unattached to the outcome. All successful people (professionally and in dating) are unattached to the outcome of their actions. Attachment creates a type of weakness (insecurity and neediness) which naturally mess you up. I used to be this very weak person. Now, I am not.

I can proudly say that I took care of my neediness and insecurity towards all things. The next challenge is to develop a burning desire to achieve my goals, such that pursuit of my goals becomes my play (rather than my work).

This whole notion of "work" that I have is quite wrong. Work is something that should fulfill me. It is not something that I "have to do." When I am actually doing the work, I do find that I like it. However, when no deadlines are present, I find myself diverging quite a lot. This could just be a procrastination habit. I am quite sure that I can work on this too. If I have become unattached, I can become focused too (without being needy over the outcome).

I think it would be best to start finding ways to have fun with my work (schoolwork, internship search, everything). Ultimately, my business goals are to promote something fun right...riding around in helicopters, traveling the world, lavish mansion, etc. Of course, I also want to be someone who is smart, respected in the corporate world, and taking my company to new heights.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Still Wasting Time

It is so embarrassing. I have so many goals to attain. I have reports due for labs and final exams coming up in a month. Some of my exams actually are in just three weeks. Even though my semester has gone rough, I am continuing to waste time.

Even my internship search is not going well. Yet, I am procrastinating on tasks that I should presently be doing. I feel like I am letting opportunities my subconscious mind is intentionally letting opportunities slip.

Well, I can make up for all this. Tonight, I will not go to sleep. I will finish everything that I have to do. I have to go to a Company-sponsored event presently. However, I promise I will take care of all business I am trying to take care of. I will post on this blog again at 5 AM to let everyone know how successful I was in doing what I had to do.

I will take care of this and successfully land an internship with a highly reputable company. Furthermore, I will get near-perfect scores on all my finals.

This is my promise to all of you in the world. I better start developing the habit of keeping promises, as this habit will be essential once I become a multi-millionaire. Otherwise, no one will want to buy my company's stock.

I will not mess up in front of everyone. I promise. This is the first and last time I have messed up in front of the world.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Details About Me (Part 2)

During that Summer (following the CO-OP), I worked on research projects that I had been working on with a professor from my University.  I planned to do so many things during the Summer, but I didn't do 95% of them.  Most of this is just due to procrastination.  I had a list of eight self-help books on my reading list.  I read only one (I had already read half of it before the summer started).  The Fall Semester then started at school.  I have a very limited number of credits.  Yet, I am doing bad in every class.  The reason is procrastination.  I did bad even during my past Fall term (after the internship, before the CO-OP).  These are the first times, since fourth grade, that I am not getting straight As.  I am not even spending any time on perfecting my woman approaching strategies, even though I am in a college that has HUNDREDS of HOT girls.

Even my Internship Search is not going too well.  I interviewed with three companies and got no positive responses.  From one, I already got a rejection letter.  With another, I did so bad in the interview, I doubt they will ever call me again.  What is this?  After I make my big leap with the internship, I am failing with everything now (even things I wasn't failing with school).  The reason these things are happening is very simple: I am procrastinating now more than I ever did in life.  I mean, I start studying for term exams like 8 hours before.  I never used to do this.  But now, I can't seem to stop myself.

I feel terrible about myself.  Yet, I know I will make my two major goals a reality (described in the first post).

My Major Goals in Life

My name is Aditya Sharma.  I am currently a college student at a major state university in the United States.  I am majoring in Chemical Engineering.  My goals and ambitions in life are very big.  In life, I have two major definite purposes:

1). By 2023, I want to have a net annual income of $150 million, by inventing, mass producing, and selling products that people will wish they had yesterday.  These products will change the globe, and cause a revolution in a specific industry (I am not sure which one yet).

2). By 2016, I want to have all the skills necessary to attract and retain my dream wife.  My dream wife will be a woman who is super hot.  She will be very very good in bed.  Basically, she will be a complete 10 on the outside.  However, along with that, she will also be a complete 10 on the inside.  In other words, she will be someone who is friendly towards all types of people.  She will be the type of woman who likes to bring people up, rather than push them down (despite how down they may already be or how low their self esteem may be).  She will, throughout life, be 100% faithful to me.  She will be very fun-loving.  Also, she will NEVER discourage me from pursuing my 2023 plan.  She will be my moral support for this plan, and will fully believe in me.

These are the two things constantly on my mind, as I move through my last two years in college.  I created these goals last year, during the Summer of 2010, when I was staying in an apartment about 1000 miles from home (as I had a Summer Internship in that area).

Details About Me (Part 1)

I am currently 21 years old.  Yet, I have never ever had a girlfriend.  Forget that, I have never even kissed a girl.  However, I have spent countless hours watching porn and masturbating to it.  I want to change all this, so I can make my 2016 dream a reality.  I do not necessarily want to get married by 2016.  I just want to have the skills that it would take to attract and retain my dream wife, so if I find the perfect woman (as I described in my previous entry), I know what to do to make her mine.  On top of never having a girlfriend, I have very little friends.  I attend what one would call a "Party School", yet I have never been to a party.

In terms of career-related growth, I have been quite successful on some levels and not so successful on other levels.  Let me start from the beginning.  Up until about 3rd grade, I was not really a bright student.  I used to get low grades, and was constantly punished by my teachers for bad behavior (mostly excessive talking).  Even though I was this bad boy, I never really got any girls.  Also, most of my peers made fun of me. 

However, before starting 4th grade, I made a decision.  I said I was going to do whatever it takes to get straight As from now until forever.   And I accomplished it!!!  From 4th grade all the way until my 2nd year in college, I was a Straight A Student.  When I was younger, I was not bright.  However, today, I hear from even the most powerful people that I am very intelligent.  Most of my friends and family, and even some of my past co-workers, say I am intelligent.  This is generally considered to be my greatest strength.  Wow, how one decision changed everything.

During my Second Year in College (specifically during Spring 2010), I wanted to obtain a Summer Internship.  I had never worked anywhere before this.  I only had some experience with student organizations.  I remember going to a Career Fair where I was asking the recruiters the stupidest questions.  Neither of them really liked me.  My resume was very juvenile.  I wrote it a few minutes before going to the Career Fair.  Even those employers that I managed to impress never responded positively when I called them back.  Yet, I knew I was going to make my internship goal a reality during that Summer.  I discovered that my school (like most other schools) has a Career Services Department that provides Career Counseling services.  I went to them numerous times to perfect my resumes and cover letters.

In late January of that year (2010), I went to yet another Career Fair.  This time, I was very prepared.  I had been practicing Career Fair strategies for the past two weeks.  At this Career Fair, I had only one company I really wanted to speak to.  I spoke to the recruiter (who was at the Career Fair only to recruit Business Majors), and she really liked me.  She eventually got me in touch with the Engineering Internship Recruiter, who scheduled an interview with me. Long story short, I got the offer from this company.  This was a very very big global chemical company (on the Top 10 List).  I was so excited.  My internship went well, though I did not get a full time offer from the company.  I was devastated.

However, I later got an offer for a Spring 2011 6-Month CO-OP with another very big company.   I was thrilled.  I decided that this time, they will definitely give me a Final Full Time Offer.  However, they didn't.  I had failed twice and felt very bad about it.